Advanced Data Collaboration In San Diego Region

  • Industry: Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • Location: San Diego City & County, California
  • Number of Employees: More than 400
  • Population: 3.276 million
  • Tyler Client Since: 2022
  • Tyler Products/Solutions Used: Open Data Platform, Enterprise Data Platform, ERP Solutions

The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is a regional planning agency whose board comprises representatives from 18 city councils and the County Board of Supervisors in San Diego County, California. Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in the region, SANDAG sought to improve data standardization and utilization across its member jurisdictions. However, preexisting limitations, including unstandardized data, resource constraints, and siloed data, posed significant challenges.

In pursuit of data quality, customer-driven experiences, and effective use of their extensive data repository, SANDAG implemented Tyler Technologies’ Data & Insights solution, aiming to revolutionize data management across the agency.

Challenge: Standardizing Data, Integrating Datasets, Enabling Data-Driven Decisions

SANDAG, prior to the Data & Insights implementation, struggled with data management issues. Limited in terms of data standardization, data was trapped in various custom-built systems and internal data silos, leading to problems with version control, increased error probability, and an overall reduced ability to utilize the full potential of their data. SANDAG sought a solution to these problems that would enable them to merge diverse datasets and make data-driven decisions across the region.

In a short amount of time, we were able to actually publish a huge amount of [data] assets to the public. That’s a really huge benefit.

Liang Tian

Principal Data Scientist, San Diego Association of Governments

Solution: Embracing Tyler’s Data & Insights Applications

SANDAG leveraged Tyler’s Enterprise Data Platform and Open Data Platform to transform its data management and accessibility landscape. This change came alongside their use of off-the-shelf software solutions to address crime, transportation, geospatial studies, and economic analyses. SANDAG focused on automating the flow of data into both a publicly accessible open data site, where member jurisdictions and the public can explore data through stories, visualizations, and raw data, and an internal data-sharing platform for SANDAG employees, expanding access to critical data across the entire organization. SANDAG implemented both platforms in just six months from April to September 2022.

Through Tyler’s open data solution, SANDAG developed its Open Data Portal, contributing to its goals of increased transparency and data-driven decision making. SANDAG’s open data platform integrates data cataloging, interactive maps, visuals, and descriptive labels to improve data searchability and access.

It’s really exciting knowing that we can enable people to access data in an equitable way. We wouldn’t be able to do that without this Open Data Portal.”

Cindy Burke

Senior Director of Data Science, San Diego Association of Governments

Results: Improved Data Accessibility, Collaboration, and Impact

The implementation of Tyler’s Data & Insights applications has significantly improved SANDAG’s interaction with data and fostered cross-team collaboration. It has also increased transparency and public trust in SANDAG and its data. This transformation has led to the development of impactful datasets and stories associated with sustainable development goals, highway tracker data, and neighborhood crime, among others.

The platform benefits local jurisdictions and member agencies, offering access to data in ways previously unavailable. It also enables them to interact with data specific to their jurisdictions in real-time, improving the analysis of quality of life in the region.

According to Cindy Burke, SANDAG’s senior director of data science, feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. People have commended the attractive visualizations, the wealth of data made available in a short span of time, and the ability to drill down and analyze data. Academics are increasingly using the Open Data Portal for research, further validating its success.

Moving Forward

Looking to the future, SANDAG aims to ensure that the information on their platforms remains up-to-date and relevant. They plan to add more content, keeping in mind changing issues and priorities. They also aim to draw on feedback to improve the user experience, thereby meeting the information needs of the region. SANDAG’s 70-member-strong data science team will continue to enhance and streamline the entire process, making data more accessible, and delivering the most current information.

We have a real commitment to trying to make sure that people know that having trust in SANDAG, they need to have trust in our data.”

Cindy Burke

Senior Director of Data Science, San Diego Association of Governments

SANDAG takes pride in the immense progress made in implementing the Data & Insights applications. The data platforms have not only enriched community connections but also boosted public trust and cross-team collaboration. SANDAG’s commitment to transparency, data-driven decision-making, and enhanced operations will continue to define their journey as they tap into the full potential of the Data & Insights applications.

Case Study Highlights

  • Local jurisdictions and member agencies benefited from enhanced regional planning data and collaboration
  • SANDAG empowered the wider stakeholder community, including local residents, businesses, and academic researchers, with self-service data access
  • The team leveraged a strong partnership with Tyler to implement the data platforms in just six months

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