Revitalizing Operations with Modern ERP in California

Industry: Municipal
Location: Apple Valley, California
Number of Employees: 119
Population: 75,791
Tyler Client Since: 2003
Tyler Products Used: Enterprise ERP [powered by Munis®], Cashiering, Content Manager, ACFR Statement Builder


In 2022, the town of Apple Valley, California, recognized the opportunity to modernize its enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and took steps toward its implementation. After recognizing the success of their current Tyler ERP solution, Eden, Apple Valley decided to upgrade to Tyler’s integrated Enterprise ERP solution to improve functionality, integration, and user experience.

Brandon Cales, the innovation & technology officer for the town of Apple Valley, brings a wealth of experience with more than 25 years of experience serving municipalities. He has played a vital role in the town’s successful transformation of its ERP processes and overcoming organizational difficulties. When Brandon joined the town, he recognized the limited functionality Eden presented and helped identify areas of the ERP the town was not fully leveraging. Manual paper-based processes and lack of integration hindered productivity, especially in areas such as timesheets, invoice management, and document tracking. The town addressed the urgent need to upgrade its software solution and sought a modern, integrated system to overcome these challenges.


After thoughtful evaluation and assessment, the town renewed its partnership with Tyler Technologies as its trusted provider of software solutions. They decided to upgrade their ERP system to Tyler’s fully integrated Enterprise ERP application suite, which offers advanced features and seamless integration capabilities. Leveraging their familiarity with Tyler’s expertise and ERP offerings, the town was able to approach the upgrade as an efficient and cost-effective solution without enduring the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The availability of SaaS services from Tyler further alleviated concerns about cybersecurity risks, allowing the client to shift the responsibility to Tyler and invest more focus on their core operations.

The decision to upgrade to Tyler’s Enterprise ERP solution will bring about transformative results for Apple Valley. By replacing its outdated infrastructure and adopting modern systems, the town can experience a significant boost in efficiency and productivity. The implementation of Enterprise ERP eliminates the reliance on paper-based workflows, letting the town automate tasks such as timesheets, invoice processing, and purchase requisitions.

“There’s a lot of other paper processes that we’ve been doing that aren’t efficient,” said Cales. “It collects up in a storage cabinet that we have for all invoices and all the other paper tracking, so trying to find those records after the fact just wasn’t efficient and wasn’t conducive to a modern environment.”


The software functionality also means standardizing workflows and approval processes that are integrated into the solution, reducing manual effort and increasing operational efficiency. In addition to automating workflows, staff gain improved accessibility and visibility into enterprise data. Enterprise ERP’s intuitive design allows for better visibility into financial data, budget planning, and insights, empowering decision-making at various levels within the organization. With improved, enterprise-wide access, the town centralizes data management practices that strengthen its cybersecurity posture and relieve its IT department from the time-consuming burden of monitoring cyber risks independently.

There were manual emails stating a purchase requisition was submitted and then printed off to walk that process around even though it was in the system.”

Brandon Cales

Innovation & Technology Officer, Town of Apple Valley

“Even with the resource drain we’re up against, we can do just as much work if not more, with less labor. The primary objective is improved efficiency for the town,” said Cales.

Through a partnership with Tyler, the town of Apple Valley has successfully transitioned from a legacy software solution to a modern, integrated ERP solution with minimal disruption. This upgrade empowered the town with advanced functionalities, improved efficiency, and enhanced data management. With a clear focus on improved service delivery and a commitment to leveraging technology for the benefit of their community, the client now has a solid foundation for future growth and success.

Case Study Highlights

  • Upgrading to Enterprise ERP for enhanced functionality, integration, and user experience.
  • Improving automated workflows and enhanced data management.
  • Transforming efficiency by replacing outdated processes with modern automation.

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