Low-Code, High Impact

Seventy-eight percent of federal and state technology leaders need a faster and less complicated way to build applications, according to a recent Center for Digital Government survey.

When it comes to legacy modernization, public sector agencies have traditionally had two choices: custom software development, which offers flexibility but requires large capital expenditures and lengthy timelines, or commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions, which cost less but do not allow users to alter or build upon the code.

Government agencies need fast, flexible modernization at an affordable price, but many leaders aren’t familiar with low code. Forty percent of CDG survey respondents said they had no prior knowledge of low-code platforms.

In this webinar, hosted by Government Technology, you’ll hear experts discuss why low-code platforms offer a unique solution to the challenge of legacy modernization, and come away with:

  • An understanding of what low-code actually is and how it can be used to modernize things like case management
  • An explanation of the differences between low-code platforms and COTS and the advantages low-code offers
  • Best practices for modernizing legacy systems with low-code platforms – including how to reconsider your current processes and ensure you are taking advantage of training systems

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