Ensure More Accurate Manufactured Home Valuations

Overcome the challenges of accurately valuing manufactured homes using the Tyler's Manufactured Homes feature. You can manage extensive details on manufactured homes in your jurisdiction while you meet unique legislative requirements and ensure fair and equitable taxation.

  • Deliver more accurate manufactured home valuation

  • Maintain property data, owner information, lot number, trailer court ID, and more

  • Identify appropriate, comparable manufactured home properties

  • Apply the proper depreciation rates

  • Create reports that support your work

Maintain In-Depth Property Data

Easily track, manage, and access crucial information about each manufactured home, its owner, and valuation history.

  • Store and maintain unique information
  • Access both real and personal property records from a single database
  • Maintain other essential records, such as parcel ID of land where home is located; make, model, and serial number; inventory data; date of purchase by current owner, and more
  • Tap into the power of SmartFile to allow taxpayers to access and submit forms online

Calculate More Accurate Manufactured Home Values

Work with a toolset that enables you to use the comprehensive property data you manage to generate fair and equitable valuations for manufactured homes.

  • Value the homes as either real or personal property
  • Identify other comparable manufactured home properties
  • Apply depreciation rates unique to manufactured homes
  • Establish unique property valuations, even in instances where there are multiple homes residing on a single parcel

Support Your Work with Detailed Reports

Create detailed reports that organize important information related to your work in Manufactured Homes.

  • Identify unsettled payments collected
  • List parcels with unpaid balances
  • Compile current and delinquent charges for homeowners
  • Review end-of-year appraisal and tax information for rollover into the next year
  • See batch calculations of taxes based on value and district each year
  • Show penalties calculated on unpaid charges
  • Review total parcel values and total taxes levied

There’s a world of possibilities for your Enterprise Assessment solution

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Enterprise Assessment & Tax Doesn't Stop at Manufactured Homes

Painting the vision of fully connected communities.

At Tyler, we imagine a world where all city, county, and regional government services are connected within a healthy digital infrastructure. Connecting data, processes, and people makes communities safer, smarter, and more responsive to the needs of residents.

More About Connected Communities